Enrichment Audio Resource Services, Inc. (E.A.R.S.)
New York, NY, USA
Project Title: Enrichment Audio Resource Services, Inc. Sustainability Project
Website: http://www.earsforeyes.info
About the Grantee
E.A.R.S. is a nonprofit public charity, providing, free of charge, audio lessons that teach adaptive daily living skills to the vision impaired and their caregivers.
Purpose of the Grant
(1) to provide general, unrestricted support for E.A.R.S’s vision rehabilitation services for seniors who are blind or visually impaired and reside in New York City or Westchester County and (2) to enable E.A.R.S to identify and forge a contingent affiliation or merger agreement with a NYC-based agency that would be able and willing – both programmatically and financially – to sustain E.A.R.S. services after its founding President and Executive Director retire