Case Study: Sense Internacional Perú

Teacher Training Workshop in San Ignacio, Cajamarca Region

Courtesy of Sense Internacional Perú

In January 2021, the Fund approved a two-year grant of $69,566 to Sense Internacional Peru (SIP) to work in partnership with Peru’s Ministry of Education to improve the quality of inclusive education for the nation’s children with deafblindness.  SIP was to work on a number of fronts to promote the education of children who are deafblind, including identifying and assessing deafblind students, training teachers, providing family support and enhancing awareness of the right to quality inclusive education.


Despite unexpected challenges, SIP ultimately prevailed to make important inroads on behalf of improved educational services to deafblind children in Peru. Dozens of deafblind students in mainstream schools were identified, received individual assessments and improved educational plans. Over 550 educators received training and improved their knowledge and skills to work with children who are deafblind. The project was truly successful in promoting recognition of deafblindness as a unique disability and an understanding of the importance of educational inclusion of students with deafblindness and other disabilities, both among the families of students themselves and within the communities targeted by SIP. SIP’s work as a result of this grant was awarded first place recognition from the Peruvian government’s National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in 2021. The Fund renewed its support for the project in 2023.