Annual College Survey


Annual College Survey Form for the Colleges Participating in the Brother James Kearney Scholarship for the Blind


    To help track the progress of individual Brother James Kearney Scholars and of the Brother James Kearney Scholarship overall, we ask that you please complete the survey and submit this report each year by June 30. Thank you!

  • Part One

    Brother James Kearney Scholars’ status in and beyond college.
  • If so, please briefly explain – and indicate the date on which the probation or suspension began and whether such status continues.
    • (a) why the extra time is needed
    • (b) what extra help the student needs (if any) – and what help is actually being provided
    • (c) how, in cases like these, your college normally goes about deciding whether to provide more than four years of scholarship aid
  • Part Two

    ​Recruiting new Brother James Kearney Scholars
  • Part Three

    Obtaining all available non-Lavelle financial aid dollars before calculating Brother James Kearney Scholarship amount, on a “last-dollar-of-need” basis.
  • As you know, such support can include: the family’s ability to pay (without borrowing), state commission for the blind grants, other government or private scholarships, and the college’s own grant aid.

    [NOTE: Please note that the Fund does not process scholarship vouchers unless they either indicate a dollar amount committed by the student’s state commission for the blind or briefly note why the commission turned down the student’s support request.]

  • Part Four

    ​Providing or brokering needed support services for Brother James Kearney Scholars (e.g., brokering from the student’s state commission for the blind).
  • ​Please indicate the frequency with which you provided or brokered each of the following services for Brother James Kearney Scholars:

  • Please name below.
  • If so, please briefly outline how the problem(s) were addressed.
  • Contact Information for Person Completing Survey

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.